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miércoles, 31 de enero de 2024

Published articles (samples)

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Magazines/Newspapers in where these clips were published

BUSINESS: Gerente, Publicidad y Mercadeo (PYM), La Barra, IAlimentos, En Obra, Fierros, Proyecciones, Poder, Staff, En Alza. 
HEALTH: EnForma, Embarazo y Parto, Plástica, Tu, Salud de Coomeva, Copidrogas, Ambito Médico y Periódico El Tiempo. 
VARIETIES: Estilo (Fedco), Carrusel, Cambio de vida, Aló, La Hoja, Plan B, GO Guía del Ocio, Bacanika. 
TRAVELING: Avianca, Volar, Travesías (México), Conexión. 
GASTRONOMY: Catering, CasaViva Cocina. 

Companies that ordered and published these articles:

ITAC SAS. Specialized consulting in preventing software security problems, development of solutions for  secure exchange of information between systems and secure software factory.

Cucú Magazine. Foldable magazine for preschoolers, pretty, happy and printed in small format, all for a very low price.